Your search returned 8 results. Subscribe to this search

LA INCREDULIDAD DEL PADRE BROWN = THE ARROW OF HEAVEN, THE ORACLE OF THEDOG e THE GOST OF GIDEON WISE / CHESTERTON, G.K.; SANTOS, DOMINGO by Chesterton, G. K Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 93 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

¿ Que me queres, amor? / Manuel Rivas by Rivas, Manuel Publication: Vigo :Galaxia 1999 Physical description: 179 p. ;21cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1), Checked out (2),

O rapto de Estefanía / Xosé Luís Laredo Verdejo by Laredo Verdejo, Xosé Luís Publication: [Pontevedra] :Edicións do Cumio 1994 Physical description: 125 p. :il. bl. y n. ;19cm Academic level: 5º-6º Primaria Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

Noites de papel / Manuel Lourenzo González by Gonzalez Lourenzo, Manuel Publication: Vigo :Xerais 1997 Physical description: 107 p. ;21cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

EL NUEVO ACELERADOR / WELLS,H.G.; CAPDEVILA,ELENA by Wells, H. G Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO 1998 Physical description: 95 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

¡ Vaiche boa! / Paul Jennings ; ilustracións e tradución, Kiko da Silva by Jennings, Paul Publication: Vigo :Galaxia 1999 Physical description: 161 p. : il. ; 17 cm Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

Matecuentos, cuentamates : cuentos con problemas / Joaquín Collantes Hernáez, Antonio Pérez Sanz ; [ilustraciones, Joaquín Collantes Hernáez] by Collantes Hernáez, Joaquín Publication: Tres Cantos :Nivola 2007 Physical description: 127 p. :il. ;21cm Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

Os escuros soños de Clio / Carlos Casares by Casares, Carlos Publication: Vigo :Editorial Galaxia 2006 Physical description: 110 Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

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