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LA FELICIDAD INMINENTE   Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 64 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

CAMINANTE   Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 63 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

VIENTO DEL PUEBLO   Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 63 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

POEMAS ESCOGIDOS   Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 61 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

NOCHE CERRADA   Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 64 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

EL EXTERIOR = BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORIES (CATRO RELATOS SÓ) / ALDISS, BRIAN W.; LÓPEZ, NORMA B. e ZILLI, EDITH by Aldiss, Brian W Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 95 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

FÁBULAS FANTÁSTICAS = RELATOS DE: THE OCTOBER COUNTRY e THE GOLDEN APPLES OF THE SUN by Bradbury, Ray Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 96 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

LADY SUSAN = LADY SUSAN by Austen, Jane Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 94 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

LA INCREDULIDAD DEL PADRE BROWN = THE ARROW OF HEAVEN, THE ORACLE OF THEDOG e THE GOST OF GIDEON WISE / CHESTERTON, G.K.; SANTOS, DOMINGO by Chesterton, G. K Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 93 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

RELATOS DE ROBOTS by Asimov, Isaac Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 96 Availability: Items available for loan: IES María Sarmiento (1),

¿QUIÉN MATÓ A ZEBEDEE = WHO KILLED ZEBEDEE?, A STOLEN LETTER e THE BITER BIT by Collins, Wilkie Publication: MADRID :EL MUNDO Y LA REVISTA, 1998 Physical description: 93 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1),

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